Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tapping into Vibrant Health - EFT with Brad Yates

Here is a video to help you cultivate the vibrant health that is within you. As mentioned in the video, I am not a licensed physician, and this is not intended to replace appropriate medical care. I consider this complementary therapy rather than alternative therapy. Remember, you are responsible for your own well-being.

It is not my intention to claim that this tapping will produce a miracle cure. However, I share the belief with many others that EFT always works... but sometimes the results are very subtle. Sometimes it's kind of like taking a vitamin - it is benefiting you, but you may not feel it in a profound way. And, oftentimes the positive effects of EFT are immediate and powerful - I hope that happens for you.

It is also not my intention to suggest that anyone is consciously choosing to experience pain and illness (although that happens, too). This is not about blaming one's self. It is about being open to the possibility that, at some level, a part of us believes that it somehow benefits us to have a particular issue - and then to be open to a healthier choice that we hadn't previously been aware of or considered.

For more info on EFT and how to do it, including links to Gary Craig's site and his free manual and training videos, please visit:


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